Programming • Design • Photography
Web Design &
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Please try describing your desired color or themes, you can also Include reference site URLs if you want or check my Designs page for samples.
Hi! I’m AL,
I’m from the Philippines – I specialize in Back-End and Front-End Development. I am passionate about Web Technology & its standards. I’m set out to learn as much as I can with the goal of creating groundbreaking Online Systems with positive user experiences. I also enjoy Video Editing, Designing & Singing in the bathroom.
Main Skills
- HTML 100%
- CSS 100%
- Wordpress 93%
- Woocommerce 90%
- Shopify 84%
- JS 78%
- UI Design 70%
My main focus is PHP Development & Rescuing Websites
Let’s be honest and cut through the marketing stuff. You need a website that Stands Out and Actually Works. That’s what I do and if you want to learn more about working with me, ready your keyboard & let’s chat.
I Do Photography Too!
Aside from coding inside my cave I go out too and when I do, I have my handy camera to play with.
This is one of my hobbies that I could and proud to say that improved my designing skills.
It requires you to find the right angle, shadow, light and colors to get an exquisite shots.
Collaborations / Work
I’m proud to have worked with these awesome Companies/Freelancers
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